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For the 2025 - 2026 school year, Vernon Barford School is still accepting registrations in Grades 7 to 9 in the Regular program. For current students of Edmonton Public Schools please pre-enroll with us by logging into you parent SchoolZone account and selecting Vernon Barford for your next year school. 

New to the Division?
Students new to Edmonton Public Schools must submit a completed Student Registration form found on the EPSB New Student Registration page. 

Supporting Documentation for registration:

  • Student’s Canadian Birth Certificate with parents’ names printed on it (or proof of eligibility to attend school in Canada, for example, Canadian Passport/PR Card/Citizenship Card or Certificate WITH Non-Canadian Birth Certificate if the student was born outside Canada), AND
  • Minimum of five documents from the following list for proof of residence address:
    • Parent’s Driver’s License
    • Utility Bills for the residence – gas, water and power
    • Government-issued documents
    • Car/Property/Tenancy Insurance
    • Mortgage document

Please note that the above documents must show the guardian(s) name and consistent mailing/service address within the school attendance boundaries.  A rental agreement does not qualify as valid proof of residence.

Please check our current Primary Boundary Maps to see if you reside in our boundaries. 

Update your student’s address with the school office before pre-enrolling in SchoolZone.